Registration for courses and certifications is all done directly through our online course catalogue. ​
After you have paid for a course you can use the email you used for payment to access “My Course” content on the Learning Lab website.
You will need to purchase separate personal accounts using separate emails. If you wish to make registration of a group we offer group-registration, please check our business services (see “Business Services” in the menu bar above).
You are provided plentiful days to finalise a short course or programme. If you wish more time than the allocated time you will need to repurchase the course. Once you log in again you can continue from where you left last time. ​
This could also be a problem with your payment, so you actually did not complete your payment. If the problem persist please email us for support at
Please check that you are using the correct username, which is the email you used for payment. Also, if you have forgotten your password, please reset your password. If the problem persist please email us for support at​
Your username is the email you used for payment. You can change this by XXXXXXXXXXX​
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